On Friday, June 7th, Habitat for Humanity held its second annual Mother and Son Date Night at the Community Complex in Crossville. The event was designed to be a night of fun for mothers and sons of all ages. Food and drinks were generously provided by Willow Catering. The DJs of 5 Diamond Entertainment out of Cookeville created a lively atmosphere that kept the party going even after the venue lost electricity halfway through the night. Fairfield Glade Fire Department brought one of their rigs and some gear for the sons to check out and try on and the event was documented by Fairfield Glade Fire Department’s Public Information Officer, Don Arbuckle. Community support was also provided by Casa of the Tennessee Valley who generously made corsages for the moms and the Cumberland County Playhouse who taught the kids line dancing and stepped in with some improv when the lights went out.
The crowd was truly mixed with sons of all ages. Sherry Chesson, Family Services Director for Habitat said, “There were mothers who said they couldn’t do things like this with their sons when they were small because they were working or didn’t have the money, it is nice that they get a chance as adults to take part and treat their moms to a special night out.”
Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organization committed to providing affordable and safe housing for the communities they serve. This fundraiser will help the general mission of Cumberland County Habitat as they continue to build in the Crossville community. For more information about Habitat homeownership, upcoming events, or ways to volunteer, visit the website at www.cchabitatforhumanity.com.